day one hundred and eighty-six - dog ate my homework

dog ate homework.png

The dog ate my homework.

I’d written a journal entry, admittedly not a terribly good one, and then, in the process of saving and posting, it vanished.

Not happy Jan.

Writing sometime already feels somewhat futile, and takes a lot of effort to persevere with. The gaps of days and weeks without a journal entry feel like they’re mocking me; a tangible display of my ineptitude. The naysayers (none of which I’ve actually heard say nay) would be laughing (and probably feeling justified in their initial saying of nay).

So now I’m left with this. I’d say it’s sobering, but this entire month, all I have of sobriety. It just feels like a digital kick in the balls by the dog who ate my homework.

Kilt of the Day - Ross Modern Hunting Tartan

Soundtrack of the day - Dirty Old Egg Sucking Dog - Johnny Cash


day one hundred and ninety-nine - drip


day one hundred and eighty-five - hollow